Words/Machines #4
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Call for Papers: Text simplification and adaptation
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 06 March 2022
Notification: 08 March 2022
Workshop: 25 March 2022
Text simplification is used in the field of translation (pre-editing), localisation and technical writing. Pre-editing consists in preparing a document before applying machine translation in order to achieve better results and reduce the post-editing workload, which has become a common choice for companies publishing their content in different languages.
In addition, text simplification improves natural language processing applications, including machine translation results. Thus, automatic text simplification could be useful in various fields such as science communication, science journalism, politics and education, both for science courses and for didactics. Besides, science popularisation is one of UNESCO’s oldest programmes.
Simplified texts are also more accessible to non-native speakers, young readers, people with reading disabilities or with lower levels of education (Sustainable Development Goal REDUCED INEQUALITY).
Scientific texts, such as research publications, can be difficult to understand for non-experts in the field or scientists who are not involved in the publication. Improving the comprehensibility of texts and adapting them to different audiences remains challenging. Simplification of texts is a step forward to make research truly open, accessible and understandable to everyone, to develop a counter-discourse to fake news based on scientific results, to allow people to read more quickly and consequently become more aware of scientific results, especially with the explosion of open science since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic (Sustainable Development Goal QUALITY EDUCATION).
The aim of this issue of the workshop is to provide a communication platform for an interdisciplinary community of researchers in translation, technical writing, natural language processing, information retrieval, linguistics, didactics, science journalism and science popularisation.
Mots/Machines-2022 is the fourth issue of the workshop organised by the HCTI lab (Héritages et Constructions dans le Texte et l’Image).
Information about the previous editions of the workshop in French can be found here:
- Mots/Machines 1: Traduction, transcréation, transformation
- Mots/Machines 2: Traduction et sentiment : quel sens pour la machine ?
- Mots/Machines 3: Les machines ont-elles le sens de l’humour ?
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be written in English or French following the CEURART 1-column paper style and be submitted as PDF files via the EasyChair system. The papers should be original, i.e. not published in an earlier workshop or conference or journal, except for extended abstracts. Literature reviews, position and demo papers, papers on ongoing work or negative results are welcomed. Translations of previously published works can be accepted as extended abstracts.
We accept the following types of submissions:
- Extended abstracts of 500-1000 words with bibliographic references. Bibliographic references are excluded from word count. Previously published papers can be accepted as extended abstracts (please, provide a reference to your previous work in this case).
- Regular papers of 10-12 standard pages length with an appropriate number of references.
- Short papers of 5-6 standard pages length with additional pages for references.
Submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=motsmachines4
Submission template: https://ceurws.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/ceurws-publishes-ceurart-paper-style/
List of topics (not exhaustive)
- Science popularization
- Text simplification
- Text adaptation
- Technical writing
- Scientific multi-document summarization
- Contextualization
- Visualization as text simplification
- Difficulty spotting
- Metrics of text difficulty
Invited Speakers
- Léo Annebi
- Julia Degenhardt
- Laurent Gautier
- Núria Gala, Laboratory of Language and Speech UMR7309 CNRS - University of Aix-Marseille, France
- Sara Vecchiato, Università degli Studi di Udine, Italie
- Sonia Gerolimich, Università degli Studi di Udine, Italie
- Silvia Araujo
- Koichi Kise, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
- Helen Mccombie, University of Western Brittany, UBO Translation Bureau
- Alessandra Rossetti
- Luuk Van Waes
- Benoit Jeanjean
- Julien Jouan
Extended abstracts and PDF presentations will be published on the website. Selected papers will be considered to be published in the Proceedings.
The workshop will be held at the University of Western Brittany, Faculty of Arts:
BREST Faculté Victor Segalen
20, rue Duquesne - CS9383729238
Brest Cedex 3, France
Mots-Machines will also propose ONLINE participation.
Website: https://motsmachines.github.io/2022/
All questions about submissions should be emailed to mots.machines@gmail.com